Sunday, October 11, 2009

Christoffel Bier

This is a very unusual beer in that its a European take on an IPA. Its quite hoppy when compared to other beers from Belgium.
Very drinkable and tasty with a nice balance between the hops and the sweet malt finish

Punk IPA

Aroma is citrusy sweet and spicy.
Appearance- pours a cloudy deep gold with a white fast dissipating head.
There is some yeast in the bottom so pour cautiously.
Flavour-sweet hoppy, resiny, malty, candy like with a lingering bitterness on the back of the tounge.
Was expecting a more expressive hop assault after reading the label, perhaps the best by date on the bottle may have had something to do with this as it was not possibly the freshest example.
Oveall it was a big enjoyable beer.

A beer review Barking Flamingo

Pours a pinky red colour with medium carbonation and a quickly dissipating white head
Sweet aroma of rapberry and some honeyish caramel.A light note of Belgian yeast funk initially but it vanishes quickly.
Taste is somewhat sweet but dry with some lingering raspberry flavour.
The Belgian saison charcter is quite subdued lacking the spice of traditional saisons, however the dryness does create a perception that the bitterness is higher than the hop additions suggest. The mouthfeel is quite thin.
Overall its a disappointing beer which I would describe as lolly water and fits into the alcopop category more so than a Belgian Saison with fruit which seems to be a misnomer